Posts active across all areas

Jason Scawthorn of JPS Fitness is able to offer home visits for Health & Rehabiliation including Sports Massage and Swedish (relaxation)Massage also Personal Training.

Block Bookings for these.. special offer 5 for 100 euros, normally 30 euros per session.

We can also offer a solution for people with joint problems and arthritis.

Tel: 693 596 533

Jason Scawthorn of JPS Fitness is able to offer home visits for Health & Rehabiliation including Sports Massage and Swedish (relaxation)Massage also Personal Training.

Block Bookings for these.. special offer 5 for 100 euros, normally 30 euros per session.

We can also offer a solution for people with joint problems and arthritis.

Tel: 693 596 533

Holidays......Book your Holiday here

Mazarron Villas
Holiday Rentals
What we do

Spanish Holidays Mazarron in the Murcia area Costa Calida Holidays

Spanish Holidays Mazarron in the Murcia area Costa Calida Holidays. An undiscovered corner of South East Spain with 250 kilometres of Mediterranean coast known as the Costa Calida


Are the ones in the rentals section on this forum yours?

Commented Alice in Rentals in Spain 2011-07-26 15:19:56 UTC

Thought Of The Day

Excuses come in all shapes and sizes, some dress up as little white lies, some are even used for their or our best interests, but in the end excuses stop us achieving and moving forward.

I have been the one saying it is so difficult for me to lose weight; I am big boned or it just runs in our family. Ha who was I kidding, I was adopted and I have the same bones now as I did then, but then I did not have the belief that I was worthy of looking and feeling better, so I had a library full of excuses that diets were stupid, reasons why I could not train, why it worked for everyone else and not me. Excuses gave me concrete boots and fixed me to where I was, taking responsibility for me and banning excuses opened up new beautiful horizons. Where are your concrete boots keeping you?

San Fulgencio


May you have the hindsight to know where you've been, The foresight to know where you are going, And the insight to know when you have gone too far.
~ Irish Blessings

Los Balcones


I would like to welcome the people of San Fulgencio to A Spanish Life. This is the 106th website we have launched across Spain. We hope that you will used the site to promote your businesses and to exchange ideas and information with others.

Well A Spanish Life has worked for me. I run the Los Balcones site and have advertised items and sold them, bought things, and now I am promoting my properties, all positive stuff.

Have added a few topics to My Spanish Life and my latest project is Thoughts for the day given to me by Linda Sage a well known mentor - helping people to achieve their goals.

I would like to take this opportunity to welcome Suzanne and Richard to A Spanish Life, and I know that together, they will do a great job in running this site.

Commented Kas in Los Balcones 2011-07-26 14:03:07 UTC

Holiday Homes Villamartin

Holiday Homes Villamartin

Villamartin Rental Property
A selection of Holiday Homes in the Villamartin area. You can if you wish click in and book online


Do you have a contact email? Can't seem to find one on the website.

Commented dave in Villamartin 2011-07-26 13:13:17 UTC


What a scorcher at Zoco market this afternoon, sweat dripping off you, very uncomfortable, but hey must not complain cos thats one of the reasons why we are here.
Not too many people about and all the stall holders were all moaning about the lack of sales. Compared to last year the takings are lower and they are all concerned as this should be the best time of the year for tourists.


with the euro the way it is, there are fewer holiday makers here at the mo, also they are not spending, prefering to eat in and spend time at beaches and pools....dont blame them really it has got so expensive here now...Mercadonna has just put their prices up for the summer season, aswell as many other shops?...surely they should b droppin them to gain customers??? it makes it harder for us locals, who have been here many a year and give them custom all year round?!....interested to know any other views???...ok my rant over for the day!

Chris from the Algorfa page!!!

Commented Christine Davies in Torrevieja 2011-07-24 15:10:35 UTC

I totally agree with you Chistine the general cost of living has shot up over the last few years and you quite rightly mention that the exchange rate is now very low, which has affected the spending power the Brits used to have and they are all reducing their expenditure. It makes you wonder how the average Spanish family survives especially that at least 1 in 4 is unemployed.

Commented john in Quesada 2011-07-24 15:20:38 UTC

I was out and about today in the the main tourist areas of Villamartin, La Zenia & Playa flamenca and I could not believe the lack of people around. The majority of the bars & restaurants were not full and I feel for all these businesses as this should be the busiest time of the year for them.
Hope things start to pick up as things are not looking too good at the moment.

Commented chrishenrick at

Commented chrishenrick in Almoradi 2011-07-26 13:07:36 UTC

Thought for the day!

Excuses come in all shapes and sizes, some dress up as little white lies, some are even used for their or our best interests, but in the end excuses stop us achieving and moving forward.

I have been the one saying it is so difficult for me to lose weight; I am big boned or it just runs in our family. Ha who was I kidding, I was adopted and I have the same bones now as I did then, but then I did not have the belief that I was worthy of looking and feeling better, so I had a library full of excuses that diets were stupid, reasons why I could not train, why it worked for everyone else and not me. Excuses gave me concrete boots and fixed me to where I was, taking responsibility for me and banning excuses opened up new beautiful horizons. Where are your concrete boots keeping you?

Los Balcones


I would just like to say hello to everyone in this area of Spain. We have just launched our 105th A Spanish Life website in the area and hope that all the local people will join us soon.
New properties for sale and rent will be added weekly as well as up to date information about what is going on in the area

If you would like to get involved in your local site and become a moderator then please send me a message.

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